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101 - Workshop: What is my Cat Saying 5/28/2020

Spots Available: 15
Description: Cats are probably one of the most misunderstood of all domestic animals. This workshop is about learning to read cat body language.  Would you like to better understand what your cat is saying and how your body language affects your communication with your feline friends?   Learning to see the subtle signs of what a cat is saying will allow you to predict their behavior. This class is very useful for folks who have cats who bite them unexpectedly.   Carol Byrnes, creator of the "What is My Dog Saying?" power point for dog trainers has collaborated on this project with Certified Cat Behavior Consultant Jacqueline Munera of Positive Cattitudes to create this workshop. This program will give you new insights into cat behavior.  This is a 1.5 hour online class using Zoom.  

Class Trainer(s) Beth Weil
Price: $15.00
Location: Online CA

Event Dates:

  • Thursday, May 28, 2020

Time: 7:00 PM
Duration: 1.5hr(s)

Notes: This is an online ZOOM class. Information about the login will be sent separately. If you haven't used Zoom before please contact us at 415 506-6284 and we will help you get started.